After three months, it’s Chinese New Year Holiday that is between Jan 9th to Jan 31st . And there is no production and shipping service in China around this period. If you want the order shipped before CNY, the order should be confirmed before Dec 1st . Because the workers and production have been reducing continually after the end of November. After Dec 1st , the orders could be finished before Dec 20th if arranging it by urgent method(independent printing sheet with stretching and assembling in time) with expensive cost that needs around 15-20 days. There is no necessary to pay extra cost for same batch tin box and arrange mass production reasonably will save more cost. After CNY, the production will be started around Feb 8th and the delivery time for new order will be around 40 days(the normal delivery time is 35 days). The full production will be recovered after March 31st and the delivery time will be recovered to 30 to 35 days.
The timeline for 3d plastic samples, tin mold, tin samples will be as below. The developing working of 3d plastic samples will be finished within 4 days, so the expiration date will be Jan 5th . Tin mold needs around 20 days, the last date will be Dec 20th . For tin samples, the new mold should be confirmed before Dec 20th and the existed tin mold should be controlled within Jan 1st .
Tin box doesn’t like the other packaging that the delivery time is longer because of the printing process(10-15 days scheduling – only 5-8 printing factories in our province for around hundreds tin box factories), stretching process(10 days scheduling for tin mold machine), assembling process(5-10 days stretching). If arranging the urgent order process, 10 days for printing and 5-10 days for stretching and assembling process, but the cost will be more expensive.
CR Tin specializes in all kinds of child resistant tins and as a master for customized child proof tin boxes that all the tin structures and size could be designed to child resistant metal boxes version. From concept to tin mold and US certified child resistant tin, it needs only one and half months to two months. Any requirement about CR Tin, CR Tin will help you to get unique, exquisite childproof tins with affordable cost.

Post time: Oct-13-2022