Cannabis business has been legal for many years in some States, the packaging turn to regular style like mylar bag, paper box, blister. Is it necessary to use high-end metal box for infused products? Yes, it’s necessary to use it to promote a high-end brand and show the special flavors or different brand position with the other brand. As the saying goes: strong horse with strong saddle, only with excellent or high-end packaging could show the valuable infused products like packaging pre-rolls, gummies, cartridges. Let’s introduce some child resistant tins to display the high-end characters.

Gen1 and Gen2 airtight hinged child resistant tin:
They are designed for pre-rolls packaging because it’s the tendency to use airtight child resistant container to keep dry and keep the original tasting. Some States have been releasing the laws that apply recycling, sustainable or biodegradable material for infused products. Two child resistant tins meet this requirement totally that they are made of tin box, metal holder, silicone pieces to form an airtight space. Comparing Gen1 child resistant tin with rolled outside edge and visible child resistant lock, Gen2 child resistant tin with rolled inside and invisible child resistant lock could display the integrated and luxury packaging.

Round child proof tin D76x25mm:
It’s the new style child proof tin that applies one-piece lid and bottom with mechanical buttons to form a child proof lock. The normal tin structure could save more the cost, rolled inside show the integrated and smooth structure, the step of tin bottom could hold insert well that consists of this cheaper and beautiful round child proof tin.

Square and Standup child resistant metal boxes:
Square child resistant tin 108x108x18mm applies Gen2 child resistant lock, only one slot in tin bottom because of the larger sides that two slots will affect the child resistant lock. Square child resistant tin is designed for chocolate or gummies packaging with insert for several gummies pack. The portable size with larger space, smooth and excellent outside could be popular option for infused gummies packaging. Standup child resistant tin belongs to funny tin structure that presses tin body with two hands and the lid will be flicked automatically like a toy. It’s designed for mints, but it could be improved to pack pre-rolls with manual lifting style.

Unlike the normal child resistant packaging, meal packaging is high-end child proof version that the hard material to resist accidentally pressing, metal could allow various options for embossing and printing style, the various tin shape could support an exclusive brand, the airtight condition resists any moisture, the metal box belongs to recycling material that could be the best choice for cannabis products because of the new laws for recycling packaging. All of these advantages form the high-end metal packaging in packaging field. The first selections for custom brand with high-end market will be the metal packaging. With the new laws for biodegradable packaging, plastic packaging will be abandoned in the history.
Post time: May-30-2023