Due to the terrible economy, the packaging turns to the practical and cheaper option like plastic tube, plastic bag that could paste printing sticker or be printed. But the material is not environmental-friendly and this packaging will be forbidden after new Cannabis Packaging Law that cannabis item should be packed by degradable material. This is the last fling for plastic packaging to pack cannabis item. Is there any other option that is air tight, attractive printing, degradable material with nice cost for cannabis item packaging? The only option is the air tight child resistant tin box. The hard material, decent printing, reliable child resistant lock, unique tin shape characters make tin packaging to be high-end version. Comparing the soft paper tube, tin box will be more attractive because of the various shape and printing style. There are some examples for reference.
Gen1 air tight child resistant tin: tin size could be developed to 60x45x20mm, 80x60x20mm, 100x60x20mm and 120x60x20mm. It consists of CR tin, metal holder, paper insert and silicone pieces in lid. The child resistant lock becomes easily because of the outside lock structure. There are no extra parts for this child resistant tin that is formed by original tin version with best air tight condition. The unit cost will be a bit expensive because this structure needs more parts. Comparing this Gen1 airtight child resistant tin, Gen5 version will be more premium that the outside appearance is the same and no extra metal holder. The structure of Gen5 tin is designed for heat-sealing aluminum foil working that packs cannabis item and then covers the foil to keep airtight. Usually, it’s finished by automatic filling machine for huge quantity order. This method could keep the high-end, attractive appearance and cheaper cost. The other option is Gen2 CR tin that the structure is the same as Gen1 that is consisted of CR tin, metal holder, metal or paper insert and silicone piece in lid. The only difference is the child resistant lock that Gen2 tin is rolled inside with invisible lock. They are the premium option for cannabis pre-rolls packaging that belongs to high-end degradable air tight metal packaging.

Gen4 air tight child resistant slide tin: it’s anti-Gen4 slide tin structure. The lid is the same, but the bottom is anti-bottom version like a huge hold sunk in tin. This adjustment keeps a large step in bottom that could allow the heat-sealing foil working well in this tin. Comparing the original Gen4 slide CR tin, it’s the same appearance from the outside. The looking is not good if checking it from the bottom area, but it releases the new method to make child resistant slide tin with air tight condition and it could reduce more cost. By the way, the bottom area could be stretched as pre-rolls shape that could pack pre-rolls directly without extra metal insert.

Comparing the traditional child resistant airtight tin box to pack pre-rolls, our new child resistant tins belong to degradable, high-end with cheaper cost version. It’s the best option to replace plastic bag for cannabis pre-rolls packaging.
Post time: Apr-26-2023