With the fierce competition of cannabis business, more and more companies have been using cheaper packaging like mylar bag, glass tube or paper box to reduce the cost. Does it mean the metal packaging lose the advantage for cannabis products gradually? As high-end packaging, metal boxes have four advantages – hard material to protect products, various printing style to attract more customers, various tin shape and fully recyclable material. In order to adapt the market, CR Tin developed and adjusted child proof tin box structure to reduce more cost so that more customers could use these attractive child resistant tins for their infused products. Let’s introduce some cost-efficient CR tins to show the advantages

CRALR966014 – slide certified child resistant tin case 96x60x14mm is classical tin version that usually pack pre-rolls, gummies, cartridge or mints. CR Tin adjusted the rolled edge narrowly and enlarged two locks so that this child proof slide tin could be produced by the regular tinplate. The cost of this slide CR tin could be lower to $0.24/pcs. Except for slide CR tin case 96x60x14mm, we have slide CR tin 79x54x14mm and 115x75x15mm.

CRALR806020 – hinged certified child resistant tin box 80x60x20mm is usually applied to pack pre-rolls, gummies. CR Tin enlarged the rolled edge and slots so that the slot could be locked by rolled edge tightly and the regular tinplate could be applied well. Comparing the other length 80mm CR tin, this CR tin is so portable and cost-efficient that the unit cost could be lower to $0.23/pcs. Except for this child resistant tin size, we have hinged CR tin version 64x43x20mm, 100x60x20mm, 120x60x20mm.

CRALI7020 – hexagon shape certified child resistant tin 70x70x20mm is designed for gummies packaging. The rolled inside edge with hinged structure could be impressive easily. CR Tin adjusted the hidden slot and enlarged rolled inside edge to make child resistant mechanism tightly so that the regular material could be applied to this unique hexagon CR tin to reduce more cost. The unit cost could be lower to $0.27/pcs. The other hot childproof tin version – CRALR755522 standup flip top child proof tin case 75x55x22mm is designed for infused mints, but it’s very hot to pack pre-rolls. The rolled edge and slot was improved to adapt regular tinplate to lower the cost that it could be $0.27/pcs also.

Except for these certified child resistant tin boxes, the cost of all our CR tins are reduced like round certified child proof tin D76x25mm, jellies CR tin case 77x34x18mm, cartridge child resistant tin cube 32x32x91mm and so on…
Post time: Feb-27-2024