Most of companies choose rectangular child proof tin box as their gummies packaging, round childproof tin can is working for few kinds of gummies or candies only, the custom child resistant tin shape will be applied to high-end market. No complex child resistant mechanism, portable shape, various tin sizes for a series of gummies packaging, fully recycling tin material consists of leading position of rectangular child proof tin in gummies market. There are some popular child proof tin boxes for gummies packaging as example.

Gen1 Hinged Child Proof Tin Box: It’s retro rectangle child resistant tin version and developed to a series of certified child resistant tins size like 65x40x18mm, 80x60x20mm, 100x60x20mm and 120x60x20mm that can pack different volume gummies. The obvious child proof structure that rolled outside lid to lock rolled outside bottom forms this child resistant mechanism – Press & Lift is well-known on the market because this child resistant tin version has been selling and hot more than 3 years. According to the size of gummies, different insert like PS, paper or metal insert can be matched very well. By the way, Gen1 rectangular child proof tin box can be updated to airtight child resistant tin easily.

Gen2 Hinged Childproof Tin Box: It belongs to high-end tin packaging. The rolled inside lid covers the rolled inside bottom and locks the slots on invisible tin body to comprise this hidden hinged child resistant tin box. The smooth and portable appearance is the largest advantage as a high-end packaging, the hidden child resistant mechanism brings the surprise like the normal gummies with super nice taste. For this airtight child resistant tin version, it uses tin material and silicone gasket only to form a sustainable packaging. As this water leaking proof airtight standard, there is no extra packaging to keep airtight for this tin box and then it can be sold in the market directly that will save more time and cost. A series of this Gen2 tin size is 77x34x18mm, 95x40x18mm, 75x65x20mm, 105x65x20mm, 108x108x18mm and they are US CR certified.

The other high-end option is the custom child resistant tin box for gummies packaging. All the shape or size can be designed to child resistant tin version. If you want to pack cannabis gummies, please let us know that there are various certified child resistant tin packaging plans work for you.
Post time: Aug-23-2022